![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:42 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Parking lights, why are they there? Some old stupid legal requirement? What useful purpose could they possibly serve that standard headlights do not? I think in 10 years of driving I've only seen them used a handful of times, and in every case, it was due to the driver forgetting that it takes two clicks for headlights instead of one (at least that what the dickhead who nearly hit me tonight while I was jogging said when I confronted him).
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:45 |
Just posting here to find out why myself...what is the deal people?
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:47 |
Any occasion where you want to be able to be spotted, but don't want to blind people. I use them when my car is parked in a parking lot, or maneuvering among close houses when my headlights would otherwise shine through the windows late at night.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:50 |
They're for parking on an unlit street so you don't drain your battery but others can still see you. People used them in narrow dark alleys and stuff. Not really necessary anymore since everything comes with reflectors these days, but they didn't used to. Still nice to have.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:52 |
I'm curious here, do you mean you leave your lights on whenever your car is parked in a lot? Why? Sorry if that's a dumb question, the idea of needing a parked car to be seen just seems alien to me.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:53 |
I've only ever used them functionally a few times and the circumstance is almost certainly not what they are intended for. Near-ish (three hours away or so) to where I live there is an observatory where you are encouraged to navigate using your parking lights at night. It keeps it extra dark and the astronomers happy. The parking lot is painted with special reflective paint and along with high visibility markers it is tricky but very possible to find your way around using dim parking lights. That's the only time I have ever used them as an actual light source.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:53 |
Maybe it's just me but I've used parking lamps on many occasions to park. Usually when it's dusk or dawn and when the headlights are just too bright. But they work. I utilize them.
Or on occasion when pulling up to a Bon fire or social event when parking and I don't wanna blast my beams at peeps.
Parking lamps are useful.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:56 |
That's why I'm curious they still exist. With reflectors and the public's (at least in the 5 states I've lived in) extremely limited use of them, I'm surprised they haven't been sequestered to an obscure options package on most cars by now.
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:59 |
I guess that makes sense
![]() 01/07/2015 at 23:59 |
I use them on days like today where it was kinda overcast and grey, but still fair weather. I drive a silver car, and in grey weather, on bland roads, during morning hours when people are rushing to work while still in a groggy fog, I can kinda become invisible. The front yellow lights may not do all that much, especially on single direction roads like divided highways, but having my tail lights on does add that slightly improved measure of visibility.
I also use them when it's approaching dusk, but the light hasn't gone out of the world enough to cast a desaturated pall over everything just quite yet. It's kinda strange to describe. Some days it happens, some days it doesn't. But there are days where, in late afternoon, it's not exactly dark enough of dusk to turn on your headlights, but through a combination of weather, sunlight, and other atmospherics, the daylight shining over everything seems to suck the color out of everything and make everything look muted and less distinguishable. I'll turn on my parking lights then, too.
Or, whatever. Maybe I've spent a little bit too much time driving and thinking about these things while driving. Also, my brain has turned to mush. I've been writing all day and I don't think I'm making much sense anymore. Anyhoo... goodnight!
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:02 |
Here's what I found:
265:112 Parking Lights. – Parking lights shall be displayed by all vehicles parked wholly or partially on a way, from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise, and at other times whenever rain, snow, or fog shall interfere with clear vision, unless said vehicles are plainly visible because of street or other lights. "
So, basically, it looks like it's for parking on the side of a road (high- free- or expressway, I'm assuming) when it's dark. I can't imagine they mean surface streets, because then all of the cars would have to have their lights on, then. Personally, I'd rather use flashers. IIRC, I think european cars have some sort of thing where you can just have one rear parking light on (left or right, depending on how you've parked) instead of all four...
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:03 |
I'm that guy that always has his on, with fogs too because why not.
If I had DRLs/LEDs I wouldn't turn them on, but I don't, so …..
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:04 |
Also, some cars look really cool when only running the yellow lamps. My '89 Berretta GT looked sweet with just the parking lamps on
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:05 |
You won't see them used outside really crowded cities. They're more commonly used in Europe where the streets are tighter and less well lit. Some cars over there have 3 position parking light switches: right, left, both. You turn on only the side with traffic and save a few more Watts of battery juice.
I don't think there's a DOT reg requiring them but most states have laws stating that it's illegal to drive with them on unless your headlights are on as well.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:07 |
That makes sense, but with the common usage of DRLs nowadays is it ever really too light out to turn on headlights.?
And your description got the point across perfectly!
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:08 |
That's actually pretty cool!
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:11 |
Only when it's running and Im in it, and it's somewhere where it might be hit. Sorry, should've made that more clear.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:11 |
but.. but... If it's not foggy... and you're not parking...
I love fogs, if only for being able to see the short range stuff right in front of the car.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:21 |
My previous car, a 2002 Cavalier, had DRLs that ran dimmer than when I would activate the actual headlight switch to turn the headlights on properly. My current car, a 2013 Fiesta, doesn't have automatic DRLs, which is another reason I tend to use the parking lights more often. I guess nowadays cars that are equipped with DRLs also have DRLs that automatically adjust to ambient light levels. But, like I said, I drive a newish car and it's not among that number, unfortunately. (I actually really miss my DRLs... and doors that automatically locked as soon as I shifted out of Park).
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:36 |
Well you're right about the fogs, I don't need those. Nor the parking lamps and really if there was just a setting for the front lights I'd use that just for DRLs. But they're part of the parking lamps …. I'd rather have something on then nothing.
Almost like accent lighting before LEDs.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 00:52 |
Yup, my mom's W123 has right/left parking lights.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 06:36 |
More to the point why are they required to be orange in America so they can be confused with the indicators? The rest of the world uses white ones for that very reason. It's the same as the red rear indicators that are still legal there.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 06:38 |
Only in some cases, generally German cars. It's not a legal requirement.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 09:30 |
US-market VWs haven't had a parking-light position on the headlight switch for years, which I see as a way of getting rid of them while still complying with the law. The parking lights come on if you turn the ignition off with the headlights switched on. They'll also switch from DRLs to parking lights when you apply the handbrake with the headlights off.
I think that they're one of those things that stay around because they're required by law, rather than because many people use them.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 10:03 |
I always thought they were to aid in daytime parking by allowing you to see your reflection in the cars around you. I often pull forward until the reflection of my lights is almost level with my hood, and that leaves almost exactly one foot of space every time.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 13:12 |
IMO put whatever lights on that you want (except high beams if not necessary) no one has ever said "Why the hell does this guy have his lights on!?"
![]() 01/08/2015 at 13:24 |
Same train of thought. I'm not blinding anyone with fogs pointed at the ground and parking lights just help you stay visible before its dark out.
![]() 01/08/2015 at 13:26 |
Why can't everyone think like you? I don't care if the fogs are pointing at my retina I just want people to have some damn lights on, it's scary as fuck about to change lanes and some gray car with no lights on in the rain is in my blind spot and I hadn't noticed the entire time.